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A Study on Narrative Discourse in Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yu
作者 尤雅姿
A classic of Chinese fiction of personalities' anecdotes, “Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yu” was compiled by Liu I-Chin-led group in Nan Dynasty (403 to 444 AD) with a total of approximately sixty thousand and nine hundred words in 1131 entries. Over ninety percent of the pieces in the book are written in merely a hundred words, which provide vivid imagery of characters and manifestation on customs in the Wei-Jing era. Simple yet meaningful, its narrative writing style has established a brand-new accomplishment of narration. Through the ages, studies on the fiction work have been focusing mostly on the history and its personalities, which are studies on the contents of stories; however, there are fewer studies focusing on its narrative technique. Hence this article will refer to western contemporary theory of narration in coordination with indigenous concept of Chinese narration to explore the narrative language of “Shih-Shuo Hsin-Yu”, with analysis on its five expressive features in the following order: 1) enlarging scale of trivia narration, 2) interlacing network of 36 genre, 3) indifferent narration and technique of remarks, 4) interchanging subjective and objective viewpoint and settings, 5) narrating pace of still moments.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 世說新語篇章結構敘事話語志人小說劉義慶Shih-Shuo Hsin-YuNarratologyDiscourseAnecdotes
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201503 (48期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 魏晉玄理與感文化之關係初探:從慧遠「易以感為體」論起




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