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An Assessment of Folk Legends in Malaysia and Singapore
作者 廖文輝
The study of “folk literature” in Malaysia and Singapore is still new compared to Malaysian Chinese literature. There is a rich store of materials on legend in this body of folk literature, and it can be grouped into four categories. The first deals with historical figures and legends, including figures as Cheng Ho, Ling Daoqian and Sheng Mingli etc. The second focuses on local legends concerning such places as Bau in Sarawak, Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, and Taiping in Peninsular Malaysia. The third is concerned with religious legends involving popular deities such as Tua Pek Kong and Cheng Ho. The last category is centered on the legends of man-eating animals, especially tigers, crocodiles and wild boars. These various legends have become part of the collective memories that serve as elements of the local culture and history of the Chinese. Therefore, they fulfill certain needs of the community in the area of education, in sustaining the spirit of the newly-arrived Chinese workers from south China, and in serving as part of the community history that is overlaid upon official history.
起訖頁 169-195
關鍵詞 民間文學歷史人物傳說地方傳說宗教傳說鄭和Folk literaturehistorical figures legendslocal legendsreligious legendsCheng Ho
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201212 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 後南都主義的精神史意義:論蘇偉貞《租書店的女兒》中的府城、眷村與文壇




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