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The Meanings of Post-Nanduism in Spiritual History: A Study on Tainan, a Military Dependent's Village, and Literary Circle in Su Wei-chen's Daughter of a Books Rental Shop
作者 陳建忠 (Jian-Zhong Chen)
This paper attempts to explore how Su Wei-chen uses monologue prose to explore her memories of Tainan (Nandu). After experiencing some difficulties during her earlier life in Tainan, Su deemed her returning and re-settling in Tainan as “Post- Nanduism.” This experience of leaving and returning reflects a writer's formation and transformation of a unique spiritual history. In her writing, Su Wei-chen's connection to her birthplace, Tainan, suggests a kind of feeling embittered by incongruity and harmony. In other words, she is not in exile, but chooses to withdraw herself from the society by roaming Tainan, which develops a writing style that is subtle yet alienating. The truth in her words often exists between what the reader understands and is perplexed by. Furthermore, she often avoids writing in first/third person narration, but rather writes in second person narration to make observations from a distance. In her work of prose, the narrator stands “outside” of herself, to make self observations and explore Tainan, and therefore not only feels displaced, but addresses the question: “Where is the real hometown?” and finally expresses a personal image of a solitary, hometown traveler.
起訖頁 147-168
關鍵詞 蘇偉貞府城格格不入流亡精神史Su Wei-chenTainandisplacementexilespiritual history
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201212 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 狹邪、城市或世情──論《風月夢》的屬性
該期刊-下一篇 馬新民間傳說初探




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