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The Study of Ci of Kainan Mori on the Origin of Ci
作者 萩原正樹
Kainan Mori もり かいなん(1863-1911) was the most famous figure in the world of Chinese-style poetry in the Meiji period. Involved in many genres of creative activities, he had a profound knowledge of the study of Shi, Ci, plays, novels and so on. His achievements about the study of Ci was demonstrated in the fourth chapter named "The Difference between Shi and Ci" from one of his posthumous works, Sakushiho Kowa. In this chapter, Kainan mori discussed the origin of Ci and his view could be summarized as the following three points. Firstly, Ci was established in the middle Tang Dynasty. Secondly, 'He Sheng', 'San Sheng' and 'Tou Sheng' were added into the music since 'Jue Ju' was lack of change while being chanted in accordance with music. Thirdly, after filling letters in the above-mentioned music without words, a style combines the long and short sentences had been formed. Thus the style of Ci was established. In fact, his view was in agreement with an opinion by Hu Shi (1891-1962) in "The origin of Ci" (1927). Although there was more than a decade difference between the times of publishing of their views, it was interesting that China and Japan had developed a similar view about the origin of Ci accidentally.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 森槐南《作詩法講話》詞源論胡適泛聲說Kainan MoriSakushiho Kowathe origin of CiHu Shithe theory of Fan Sheng
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201903 (64期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 從「益齋北學填詞說」談高麗李齊賢詞學淵源




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