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The Formation of the Imperative Modal Particle Zhe (者) and its Historical Development
作者 王錦慧
This article considers that the imperative modal particle zhe (者) came from the decisive modal particle zhe. In the beginning, whenever the speaker executes a commanding action, there would be some acknowledgment in his mind, in which the hearer should (or should not) do something, and this acknowledgment is highly related to the decisive mood. The grammaticalization process should be like this: originally, the decisive modal particle zhe occurs at the end of copular sentences, then the particle extends itself to the end of the declarative sentences, which declares or announces something, and hereafter appears the imperative modal particle zhe. Comparing zhe with zhe (著) and zá (咱), the modality intensity can be ordered, from heavy to light, as zhe > zhe > zá. In Yuan dynasty, zhe was more frequently used than zhe, and this is because the appended element in Mongolian imperative verbal construction was often translated with zhe. The Mongolian-style Chinese was out of fashion in Ming dynasty, so zhe became more frequently seen than zhe. The growth and decline of these two particles were influenced by political factors.
起訖頁 181-214
關鍵詞 祈使語氣決定語氣Zhe (者)Zhe (著)Zá (咱)Imperative moodDecisive mood
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201809 (62期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 說自己的話:《莽原》文人群的書寫策略




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