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The Research of Zhu Jian and Shi Zhuan Yi Shuo
作者 黃忠慎
Zhu Jian, is the son of Zhu Shu, and the grandson of Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi is the most representative person of the Shi Jing Song Xue, his academic Works Shi Ji Zhuan is known as the 3^(rd) milestone of the Shi Jing studies history, just after Mao Shi Zhuan Jian and Mao Shi Zheng Yi. Zhu Xi had academic Works named Shi Xu Bian Shuo and Shi Ji Zhuan, those studies would be familiar with the scholars. However, we should deeply understand the other peripheral texts, in this way, we could be almost read well the Shi Jing studies of Zhu Xi. Zhu Jian's Shi Zhuan Yi Shuo is the important text of these peripheral texts. This article research of Zhu Jian and his Shi Zhuan Yi Shuo, through the document to investigate Zhu Jian's life story and his participation in academic work, and probe the style of Shi Zhuan Yi Shuo, discussing the important content and to indicate the significance of this book's to Shi Jing studies history. Through this article, we could find the value in Shi Zhuan Yi Shuo, keeping the documents of Zhu Xi's Shi Jing studies, and the most important is providing not record things in other Shi Jing studies like Fu Guang's Shi Tong Zi Wen and Li Jing De's Zhu Zi Yu Lei. Followed by, Shi Zhuan Yi Shuo to provide different words in some documents to compare with two books.
起訖頁 71-105
關鍵詞 朱熹朱鑑《詩傳遺說》《詩童子問》《朱子語類》Zhu XiZhu JianShi Zhuan Yi ShuoShi Tong Zi WenZhu Zi Yu Lei
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201806 (61期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論朱元昇《三易備遺》中〈河圖〉與〈洛書〉繫卦之說
該期刊-下一篇 《論語徵》中所見荻生徂徠之《詩經》觀




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