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On Zhu Yuan Sheng's Xi-gua Theory Based on He Tu and Luo Shu in San Yi Bei Yi
作者 陳睿宏
Zhu Yuan Sheng put forward his San-yi theory in San Yi Bei Yi, proposing that the formation of San-yi is based on "He Tu" and "Luo Shu". Advocating Liu Mu's theory, Zhu looked into the interactions among the numbers in "He Tu" and "Luo Shu", Tian Di Zhi Shu, the five elements of the universe and Na-yin, examined the differences between "He Tu" and "Luo Shu", and their inner relationship, and therefore established his belief that San-yi is closely related to the applications of He-Luo and Xian-Hou-Tian. Zhu devised numerous Yi-diagrams, which is not only show the inheritance relationships with previous philosophers' ideas, but also demonstrate his innovative creations. These diagrams play an important role in the development of He-Luo theories. The present study supplements previous research by adding to it what has been missing to make it complete, illuminating difficult concepts of Zhu's diagrams, and explaining the important characteristics and implications of Zhu's He-Luo based diagrams.
起訖頁 29-70
關鍵詞 朱元昇三易備遺河圖洛書圖書易學Zhu Yuan ShengSan Yi Bei Yi"He Tu""Luo Shu"Tu Shu Yi Xue
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201806 (61期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 廢餘美學──論六朝辭賦中的微物、醜物與剩餘物
該期刊-下一篇 朱鑑及其《詩傳遺說》探論




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