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台大日本語文研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of Business Japanese Education Teaching Content Delivered through non-verbal communications: Focusing on Business Manners
作者 林長河
近年來台灣高等教育,少子女化讓大學生源減少,全球化造成強勢英語,日語學習者數呈下降趨勢。處於這樣大環境下,日語相關科系應積極思考提升日語品質與人才的培育策略。本研究從職場需求面出發,探討JBP(Japanese for Business Purposes)非語言傳達的教學內容。商務日語教育,向來傾力於語言傳達面,往往容易忽略非語言傳達(non- verbal communication)的商務禮儀(business manner)部分。過去研究集中在「敬語表現」及「待遇表現」的語言結構表現。本研究將以商務禮儀為研究重點,補強日語系的軟實力。JBP在教學內容、教學時間、教學法與評量法是教育上的重點項目,本研究先探索商務禮儀的教學內容與時間。以面試、接待來客及拜訪公司等場面必備之禮儀為範圍,萃取如:服儀、交換名片、上下座等禮儀計十種,教學時間在4-6小時內完成。其成果將有助於JBP教育以及日語系學生職場競爭力的提升。
In the recent years, the number of Japanese learners has been dropping due to two major reasons: the low birth rate and English as the dominant global language. Japanese related departments should offer some strategies to cultivate talents in Japanese. This study explored the teaching content based on a syllabus delivered through non-verbal communications for JBP (Japanese for Business Purposes). The teaching content and time of use in relation to business manners are first discussed. The range of manners discussed covered manners required in interviews, receiving visitors, and visiting other companies. A total of ten manners were selected, including the manners for dressing, exchanging business cards, and sitting arrangements. The teaching time required for this content should be between 4 to 6 hours. The findings of this study can be used as references for business Japanese education and can help improve the competitiveness of students from Japanese departments.
起訖頁 101-124
關鍵詞 非語言傳達商務禮儀教學內容4-6小時JBPJBPnon-verbal communicationbusiness mannersyllabus4 to 6 hours
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201812 (36期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日本上代文獻之異類女房說話的母題與特徵──以豊玉毘賣.肥長比賣為中心
該期刊-下一篇 關於明示性之訂正回饋對學習非現場指示詞的影響──直接訂正及元語言訂正之比較




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