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A Study of Commoners Education in Kangien
作者 林孟蓉
In recent years, it seems to be a trend for scholars to reevaluate the Edo period while exploring the process of Japan's modernization, and most of the studies are mainly concerned about its politics, economy, culture and urban planning. This paper, however, focuses on the education circumstances of the Edo era. The research takes Kangien that was founded by Hirose Tanso, a Confucian, as example to study private academy for commoners during the Edoera. It discusses various interpretations of the name of private academy done by other researchers, alongside the charm of Kangien in education. In addition, the role of Kangien in commoners’ education and the significance of Kangien in modern society areexamined. Through the analysis, the author proposes a viewpoint that was neglected by previous studies and suggests an insight distinguished from other papers. When the definition and the role of Kangien are fixed, the issues not discussed in this paper are to be further examined in future research projects.
起訖頁 127-157
關鍵詞 江戶時代庶民教育私塾廣瀨淡窓咸宜園Edo EraCommoners EducationPrivate AcademyHirose TansoKangien
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201506 (29期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日語否定漢語前綴詞素「不.無.非.未」──與外來語詞根結合之派生詞為主




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