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教師會話支援策略的肯定回饋研究──以LARP at SCU語料庫的訪談資料為主
A Study on the Positive Feedback of the Strategy for Conversational Support for Teachers: Based on the Interview Data in the Corpus of LARP at Soochow University
作者 陳淑娟 (Shu-Chuan Chen)
本稿以LARP at SCU語料庫的訪談資料為材料,探討教師在引導學習者說話時,採用的會話支援策略,調查並分析其發話內容。將分析焦點放在,教師對學習者所寫的作文進行訪談時,為了促進對話的進行,所採行的「肯定的回饋」言談上,以釐清其構造為目的。所謂「肯定回饋」是指,教師對學生進行訪談時,對學生的口頭表達採行會話支援的有效誘導回應,LARP at SCU進行學生語言蒐集時,先請學生寫日文作文,之後由老師針對作文內容進行一對一日語訪談20分鐘。可以觀察到在談話中,教師為了讓對話順暢進行,有技巧的使用具促進發言的某些要素,本稿即以日本籍教師9人,與學生共有18組的訪談為探討資料,從鄰接組463組應答言談中抽取出「肯定的回饋」進行分析,就其技巧表現模式分類,發現「應答詞」「復誦」「同感」「代言」為最基本的技巧,使用最多,其次,「確認」「換言」「以」「正評價」「要求舉具體例子」「連結」「繼續」「修改正確語言反問成目標語言」「保護弱點」「褒獎」為有效的技巧,可以讓學生自然持續說話,再進一步匯理以上諸技巧,可看出教師的「肯定回饋」具有「開始部」「過程部」(「肯定內容」「考慮弱點」)「末尾部」的會話性結構。
Based on the interview data from the corpus of LARP at SCU, this paper will examine the strategy of conversational support applied by teachers when guiding students to express and analyze the contents of the conversations. The paper focuses on the “positive feedback” (hereafter “positive FB”) provided by the teachers to stimulate conversations during the interviews the teachers conducted with the students about their compositions and tries to clarify its structure. Through this “positive FB,” the teachers effectively guided the students to respond by adopting the strategy of conversational support to the students’ responses during the interviews. When forming the corpus of LARP at SCU, students were requested to write compositions in Japanese prior to a twenty-minute one-on-one interview conducted by a teacher with each student based on the content of their composition. During the interview, in order to make the dialogue progress smoothly, the teacher employed various strategies to facilitate student responses. Based on the dialogues between 9 Japanese teachers and their students for a total of 18 interviews, this paper analyzes the “positive FB” taken from 463 adjacent pairs of dialogues and categorizes them according to the patterns of presentation skills. The most often used presentation skills include making brief responses, repetitions, empathy, and substitutions. Other effective skills that can keep students talking include confirmation, substitution, recasting, positive evaluation, asking for specific examples, connection, continuation, correction of the target language, protecting weaknesses, and compliments. Further analysis of the above skills shows that the teachers’ positive FB is endowed with certain elements of the conversational structure, such as “aperture,” “process” (“content affirmation,” “protecting weaknesses,”) and “closure.”
起訖頁 201-225
關鍵詞 會話支援策略肯定的回饋鄰接組second languageJapanese learninglearning motivationlearning attitudeLARP at SCU
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 201212 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 提升思考能力之「高級日語會話」的實踐──以TAE的交錯為中心
該期刊-下一篇 “MAA”的使用傾向分析──為提供更好的會話指導上之說明




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