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The Meaning of Same-pattern Kango Morpheme「~FU」 in Sino-Japanese Languages - The Contrastive Analysis by Cognitive Semantics-
作者 林慧君
Through the viewpoint of cognitive semantics, the dissertation discusses the differences of meanings and usages when the same-pattern Kango morpheme “~FU,” which is powerful in formatting words in Chinese and Japanese, plays as the rear morpheme of compound words. First of all, via the theoretical analysis of schema, we analyze that the words “~FU” in Chinese and Japanese with the same schema〈 Fluidity of Air〉. Then, we draw out the highest schema〈 Fluidity〉 . From investigation and analysis, we can understand: in Chinese and Japanese, the same-pattern Kango morpheme “~FU” has alike meanings and usages centered on the prototype. In addition, it displays different usages on the semantic extension from the prototype to the periphery. Moreover, the prototype case “kaza” of Kango morpheme “~FU” contains two semantic attributes: “fluid and diffuse” and “fluid and full.”The discrepancy arises because of the contiguity of cause and effect of these two semantic attributes are different in Sino-Japanese languages, and these differences also show the dissimilar usages of the suffix expanded by the same-pattern Kango morpheme “~FU.”
起訖頁 109-138
關鍵詞 風之語意用法漢字詞素造詞認知語意學the meaning of ~FUKanji morphemeword-formationcognitive semantics
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200812 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 桐野夏生「燃燒的靈魂」論
該期刊-下一篇 日語教科書會話範例裡的「中途終了型發話」




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