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Dr. Bulganiro in Night of the Milky Way Railway-Compared with the Preacher in The Pilgrim Progress's Complete
作者 蔡宜靜 (Yi-Ching Tsai)
Almost the early researches paying attention to the character setting of Dr. Bulganiro in Night of the Milky Way Railway consider Miyazawa Kenji explained his thought through this role. Although the related creation about Dr. Bulganiro was deleted in the final edition, however, we must not forget that the story assumption of the hero's growth under the description of religious literature had not been changed at all. I had applied the description of The Pilgrim's Progress's Complete to examine the creation of Christians and the conversations in Night of the Milky Way Railway before. Consequently, the setting of the shipwrecked young people as Christians in the initial edition was obviously affected by the Christianity literature. In this thesis, I will apply the same comparison technique to analyze how Dr. Bulganiro and the roles of The Preacher etc. in The Pilgrim's Progress's Complete contrast to each other. In conclusion, the descriptions related to Dr. Bulganiro are previously following the drawings of The Pilgrim's Progress's Complete. Through the comparison of two works, we not only establish an analyzing way for the abstract descriptions such as 'voice like cello' in the initial edition, but also give out a different reading way about Kenji's writing method within the four-time rewriting process.
起訖頁 89-120
關鍵詞 銀河鐵道之夜初期形布魯嘉尼洛博士天路歷程傳道者等角色設定Night of the Milky Way Railwaythe early editionDr. BulganiroThe Pilgrim Progress's CompleteThe Preacher etc
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200806 (15期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 高村光太郎的自然隨順思想和佛教式思考




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