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A Study on the Suffix '-garu': Centering on the Conjuncture with Adjectives
作者 黃鴻信
Concerning tire suffix ”-guru”, some say it indicates the action of non-linguistic movement, some say it is used to control ho changing process from internal emotions to external actions. As opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn. Centering on adjectives, this paper tries to inquire into tire suffix ”-garu” and tire problems correlated with it. Our findings are as follows: 1. The words and phrases following ”-guru” must have a property: when sparked by outside objects, they can draw forth the meanings of the adjectives in the deeper inside of the subject. 2. When we use ”-guru”, the deeper emotions and footings of the adjectives usually come to the surface, and become and apparent. 3. When we use ”-garu”, the meanings of the adjectives will go deeper-beyond the state of ”neutral”, into the state of ”plus”. 4. Corresponding with the varying stages of our commotions and feelings are adjectives, verbs with ”-guru”, ”-mu” verbs. ”-ru-maru” verbs, ”-meru” verbs, and so on. 5. The differences between verbs with ”-garu” and ”-mu” verbs urn very clear: the former still posters the nature and function of adjectives, the latter bear the function of verbs.
起訖頁 97-125
關鍵詞 感情感覺內側層面表象化-garu動詞-mu類動詞emotion•feelingdeeper insidecome to the surfaceverbs with –garu-mu verbs
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200706 (13期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Frame的概念及功能以及其認知論分析對動詞「塗ゐ」「運ぷ」「置く」「沸かす」所形成的frame之功能所進行的分析




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