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The original outline of “Momotaro”
作者 葉漢鰲
The story of momotaro is the most home known for everyone, and is one of the five most famous stories. Many scholar have focused on when it origins and researched for it. “The birth of Momotaro” and “The mother of Momotaro” of Yisidaeiyitu are the two representatives. Ynagitakunio names “the kid god possess magic power comes and give blessing” as “little man story”, which has been the most famous story since before, and “Momotaro” is the stereotype of this kind of story. Yisidaeiyitu says, ”The God of water will show up as a kid. Besides, he often appears in the same way in China. The universal belief of parental god exists behind the story of Momotaro. Based on the ancient “nwow”, especially the culture of ghost-preventing. This thesis will discuss the origin and truth from another perspective which is different from the past. As we know, the story consist of Momotaro, the dog, the monkey, the chicken and the ghosts on the ghost land. What does “Momotaro” means? And what do the dog, monkey, chicken and the ghost stand for? In conclusion, on the whole, the story is under the cognition of development of ghost preventing.
起訖頁 187-209
關鍵詞 桃太郎童子物語儺文化辟邪信仰Momotarolittle man storynuoculturebelief of ghost-preventing
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200606 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 無住與兼好




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