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An Analysis of Expansion Process of Polysemic Meanings Indicated by a Japanese Verb「tsukeru」and Theories Supporting Its Expansion Process
作者 謝豐地正枝
This paper contains mainly two parts: The first part points out the problems we face when we analyze how a polysemic word transfers its fundamental meaning to diversified polysemic meanings. Upon making a comparative study among three major theories, (1) schematic theory advocated by Langacher, (2) prototype theory advocated by Geroge Lakoff and others, and (3) phenomenal element theory advocated by Kunihiro, the paper determines what types of cognitive linguistic theories would support for polysemic words in transferring fundamental meaning to the diversified meanings. The second part of the paper analyzes how a Japanese verb called “tsukeru”transfers to diversified meanings from its fundamental meaning. The paper examines the actual application of types of metaphorical relationship supporting each case of changes in meanings. These metaphorical relationships include synecdochic transfer, metaphoric transfer, metonymic transfer, partial transfer, etc. The paper examines what type of theory and metaphorical relationship are applied for creating a new meaning. In conclusion, this analysis formulates the schematic net-work model chart showing the process of transfers from the fundamental meaning to the diversified polysemic meanings as well as the complicated inter-relationship existing among the fundamental meaning of “tsukeru”and all other newly created polysemic meanings.
起訖頁 55-90
關鍵詞 圖示原型網路模式意義的延伸隱喻schemaprototypenetwork-modeltransfer of meaningmetaphor
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200606 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《源氏物語》裡秋的意象
該期刊-下一篇 《每日新聞》中所見90年代台灣報導的增減與架構




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