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A Study on “Bupposo”
作者 趙姬玉
Ugetsu Monogatari, a short novel selection of Ueda Akinari, is divided into five volumes, five books and nine stories; among them, the fifth story “Bupposo,” the first one “Shiramine” and the last one “Hinpukuron” are much different from the others, woven with weird plot and knowledgeable debates, which are especially abundant in “Bupposo.” This dissertation emphasizes on discussing Akinari's motivations, techniques and themes of creating “Bupposo.” The story title comes from Akinari's personal experience of once hearing the Bupposo bird's calling on his way to Mt. Koya, which left him a deep impression, is obviously the motive power of writing this story. In the setting of ghosts appearing, Akinari abandons the common techniques of cause and effect, trying to leave deeper impressions on the readers and aspirate the effects. The specific knowledgeable content in “Bupposo” is also quite matched with the weirdness of the story, and becomes a great characteristic of this story. Besides, by comparing and contrasting, I regard “Yon-Zhou- Ye-Miao-Ji” as one of the origins of this story. In the conclusion, I consider the theme of “Bupposo” emphasize the fact that: for everyone in this modern age, the best way is to be independent, not relying on religious powers.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 佛法僧殺生關白豐臣秀次高野山玉川BupposoSessyokanpakuToyotomi HidetsuguMt. KoyaTama River
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200512 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 日語中的目的構句




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