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AI Clerk:會賣東西的機器人
AI Clerk: Shopping Assistant
作者 張如瑩潘桓毅林柏霖陳韋綸謝佳恩 (Jia-en Xie)黃玟瑜李律萱
「AI Clerk」是一主動引導消費者購物的機器人,結合「口語式搜尋」、「個人化商品推薦」及「多元商品輔助資訊」特色。「AI Clerk」透過人工智慧中的自然語言處理、機器學習與自主學習,讓消費者不單能用傳統關鍵詞的方式獲知現存相關商品,譬如可限定搜尋條件〝蘋果〞其語意意指為一品牌,「AI Clerk」更能理解--描述性問句、專門術語、流行用語以及消費者感受用詞,所以能用如〝自拍好看的手機〞、〝CP值高〞、〝Hㄒㄈ〞、〝泡菜牌〞等詞彙或句子段落得知相關商品,更能理解〝螢幕耐刮耐摔〞蘊含要找螢幕可能由大猩猩或藍寶石玻璃所製成。還整合各購物通路,並自動摘要各新聞、論壇、部落格等異質性輔助購物決策資訊之知識,讓消費者可迅速一覽商品關聯詞(含其正負評程度),如:小米6的關聯詞為〝耐刮耐摔〞、〝通話音量小〞,得知其優缺點與特性等,因此消費者不用認識大猩猩玻璃的特性,便可用〝螢幕耐刮耐摔〞找到符合該需求的小米6,但也發現小米6有通話音量小之缺陷,大大減少消費者購物決策的時間,提升購物體驗便利性與滿意度。對產業而言,「AI Clerk」主動式精準行銷,可啟動另一營利模式,創造更多銷售額以及增加平台流量與點閱率。
AI-Clerk is a shopping assistant robot that can actively guide consumers to purchase, with the characteristics of colloquial searching, personal product recommendation, and providing diverse product-assistant information. Natural language processing, machine learning and selflearning in artificial intelligence was utilized in AI Clerk, therefore, customers can utilize natural language to get current related products. For example, consumers can set 'apple' as a 'brand' for searching condition. Moreover, AI-Clerk can understand descriptive statements, terminology, popular terminology and consumer experience words. Therefore, consumers can use sentences, phrases or words such as 'mobile phone which can make a beautiful selfie', 'high price-performance ratio', 'H ㄒㄈ, the words seem like HTC which is one of the best electronic products in Taiwan, ' and 'smartphone from kimchi country' to find out the product they want. Even more, AI-Clerk understands that 'a scratch-resistant and shock-resistant smartphone' means that the screen of smartphone must made by Gorilla Glass or Sapphire. In order to let consumers browse the related words of products quickly, AI-Clerk integrates many shopping channels, and summarize the information from news, social network articles and blogs actively. For instance, the related words of Xiaomi 6 are scratch-resistant, shock-resistant, communication with low volume, and so on. Therefore, consumers can search key words like 'smartphone comes with scratch-resistant and shock-resistant' to easily find out Xiaomi 6 to meet the need, rather than understanding what characteristic the Gorilla Glass has. Besides, consumers get one of the disadvantages of Xiaomi 6 which is low communication volume. With AI-Clerk, consumers can obviously reduce their time on decision-making, upgrade shopping experience and satisfaction. For industry, AI-Clerk can actively precise marketing, which can start another business model to create more revenue and increase the flow of platform and click rate. If you want more information about AI-Clerk, search the website, https://ai-clerk.com.
起訖頁 224-235
關鍵詞 AI Clerk商品搜尋購物助理語意理解AI ClerkProduct SearchShopping AssistantSemantic Understanding
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2018 (2018期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 An LSTM Approach to Short Text Sentiment Classification with Word Embeddings
該期刊-下一篇 結合卷積神經網路與遞迴神經網路於推文極性分類




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