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Query Formulation by Selecting Good Terms
Query Formulation by Selecting Good Terms
作者 李佳融 (Chia-Jung Lee)Yi-Chun Lin (Yi-Chun Lin)Ruey-Cheng Chen (Ruey-Cheng Chen)Pei-Sen Liu (Pei-Sen Liu)Pu-Jen Cheng (Pu-Jen Cheng)
It is difficult for users to formulate appropriate queries for search. In this paper, we propose an approach to query term selection by measuring the effectiveness of a query term in IR systems based on its linguistic and statistical properties in document collections. Two query formulation algorithms are presented for improving IR performance. Experiments on NTCIR-4 and NTCIR-5 ad-hoc IR tasks demonstrate that the algorithms can significantly improve the retrieval performance by 9.2% averagely, compared to the performance of the original queries given in the benchmarks. Experiments also show that our method can be applied to query expansion and works satisfactorily in selection of good expansion terms.
起訖頁 69-83
關鍵詞 Query FormulationQuery Term SelectionQuery Expansion
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2009 (2009期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Web Mining for Unsupervised Classification
該期刊-下一篇 中英文專利文書之文句對列




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