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作者 鄧舜元邊國維
本論文提出一個結合線上翻譯服務網站的跨語言專利檢索系統(Cross-language Patent Retrieval System),利用適合處理不同語言的bi-gram索引方法,透過檢索引擎處理多語言的專利文件集,並結合網路翻譯服務系統,利用查詢翻譯的方法,將原始的查詢加以翻譯,再進行專利檢索。本系統進一步利用檢索結果,根據專利分類體系之中的International Patent Classification(IPC)分類,可將專利文件相關的IPC分類列出。目前本系統可以處理英文與日文的單語專利檢索、以及日文檢索英文專利文件與英文檢索日文專利文件兩種跨語言檢索。使用者可以選擇查詢集來源,編輯與修改查詢,選擇三種不同的查詢集翻譯方式,選擇三種不同的翻譯服務網站進行查詢翻譯,並且可以選擇檢索的欄位及專利文件集的種類,進行跨語言的專利檢索。
In this paper, we introduced a cross-language patent retrieval system which combined the various free web translators on the internet. The bi-gram indexing method was used to deal with the multilingual patent documents, and the query translation method was used to translate the query form the source language to the target language. Currently, this system provides the functions of the monolingual and cross-language patent retrieval in English and Japanese. The users can input the queries and use the different translation systems to process the query translation. The different fields of the query topics and various patent document sets are selected to perform the cross-language patent retrieval from Japanese to English, and vice versa.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 跨語言檢索專利檢索Bi-gram查詢翻譯Cross-Language Patent RetrievalBi-gramQuery Translation
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2008 (2008期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 多領域文件集之詞彙概念擴展與知識架構之建立
該期刊-下一篇 Generating Patterns for Extracting Chinese-Korean Named Entity Translations from theWeb




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