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Learning to Parse Bilingual Sentences Using Bilingual Corpus and Monolingual CFG
Learning to Parse Bilingual Sentences Using Bilingual Corpus and Monolingual CFG
作者 Chung-Chi HuangJason S. Chang
We present a new method for learning to parse a bilingual sentence using Inversion Transduction Grammar trained on a parallel corpus and a monolingual treebank. The method produces a parse tree for a bilingual sentence, showing the shared syntactic structures of individual sentence and the differences of word order within a syntactic structure. The method involves estimating lexical translation probability based on a word-aligning strategy and inferring probabilities for CFG rules. At runtime, a bottom-up CYK-styled parser is employed to construct the most probable bilingual parse tree for any given sentence pair. We also describe an implementation of the proposed method. The experimental results indicate the proposed model produces word alignments better than those produced by Giza++, a state-of-the-art word alignment system, in terms of alignment error rate and F-measure. The bilingual parse trees produced for the parallel corpus can be exploited to extract bilingual phrases and train a decoder for statistical machine translation.
起訖頁 1-23
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2006 (2006期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 以字串特徵做為文本資料之錯誤偵測
該期刊-下一篇 使用流暢性改善詞組翻譯的統計式機器翻譯




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