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Child Injury and Parental Pain: The Grief Experience and Rescue Actions of Parents of People with Ketamine Abuse Disorders
作者 蔡佩真
Ketamine poses unique risks, and the parents of individuals with drug abuse disorders are unrecognized victims of drug abuse. This study used qualitative research methods. Ten parents of individuals with ketamine addiction participated in family visits, in-depth interviews, and family group meetings to reveal the effects of drug addiction on families and the rescue actions of the parents of people with drug abuse disorders. The study revealed that the average duration at which addiction sustained was 7.3 years and that parental rescue actions spanned from childhood to adulthood. Ketamine addiction, abuse, and related social harm are serious problems that alter the life path of those who become addicted. Parents included in this study implemented many rescue actions, including source breakout, assisting their children in conquering their addiction, and risk management. These actions spanned from early active rescue until family exhaustion. The rescue actions of the parents also varied according to the age of their children. Individuals addicted to ketamine lack detoxification resources, and school routine assistance has been disrupted. Therefore, parents rely on their own strength to rescue their children from addiction. Parents and children develop close relationships throughout life: parents are both caregivers and potential clients. Parental exhaustion must be confronted; it is recommended that resources be dedicated in policy and practice to help parents face crises and assist their children in such cases of addiction. The research results can provide a reference for addiction treatment.
起訖頁 1-55
關鍵詞 物質濫用藥癮家庭父母K他命搶救substance abusefamily with drug addictsparentsKetaminerescue
刊名 臺大社會工作學刊  
期數 201906 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學社會工作學系
該期刊-下一篇 揭露文本的沉默性:以批判論述分析方法應用於「曹小妹事件調查報告」為例




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