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An Analysis on the Process of Privately Owned National Champions in Chinese State Capitalism: The Case Study of Alibaba Group
作者 鄭家琪
This paper analyzes how the cooperation among the privately-owned enterprises (POEs), the local government, and the State-owned enterprises produces the Privately Owned National Champions (PONCs) and further devotes its attention on explaining how the PONCs can influence the policy made by the central government, and the different typologies of institutional changes of Chinese state capitalism. Using Alibaba as the main focus of this paper, this research shows that the appearance of PONCs is highly correlated to the local government's policy purpose. On the one hand, the insufficiency of the regulatory institutions in the e-commerce industry causes slacks, so the PONCs are able to explain those incomplete institutions, which in turn causes the local government to make biased choices based on these slacks. As a result, this cooperation creates the shared interests of the POEs and the local governments, which shows the change of their cooperation model from layering to conversion. Thus, POEs can expand their market shares, as well as earn the resources equivalent to the state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and ultimately, have the ability to suppress them to become the PONCs.
起訖頁 71-107
關鍵詞 中國大陸中國國家資本主義政企關係阿里巴巴ChinaChinese State CapitalismGovernment-Enterprise RelationAlibaba
刊名 中國大陸研究  
期數 201906 (62:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 雙人成舞?性別團體在當代中國拓展政治空間的策略:以三個性別團體推動反家暴立法為例
該期刊-下一篇 多重威脅結構下的國家行為邏輯:中國戰國時期之同盟策略分析




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