中文摘要 |
部分在全球受到熱烈歡迎的電視節目版式型態電視秀可以在授權市場上以極高價賣出,部分甚至高達數千萬美元之譜,但很難想像在如此的授權盛況下的電視節目版式,在目前的著作權法制度下並未必受到保護。本文擬從目前中國大陸綜藝界大量抄襲外國電視節目的現象出發,進而分析台灣綜藝節目「挑戰101」抄襲荷蘭原創節目「1 vs. 100」,在台灣經歷台北地方法院及智慧財產法院判決的過程及結果;最後參考近期英國法院、義大利法院、以色列法院的最新判決及韓國國會立法等國際趨勢,提出建議我國應學習韓國模式,積極鼓勵民間投入節目版式開發的事業,且我國法院應形成具體的電視節目版式著作權保護在概念與表達二分間的明確界線。
Some of globally popular TV shows presented with TV program formats are able to be licensed and sold at as high as several million US Dollars. Surprisingly, TV program formats are not usually recognized as protectable under current copyright system. This article starts with the plagiarism phenomenon of TV program format in China and then analyzes the legal cases held by Taipei District Court and Taiwan IP Court dealing with the TV program format in “1 vs. 100” created by Endemol Nederland and Endemol USA imitated by a similar Taiwanese TV show “Challenge 101”. In conclusion, this article suggests that Taiwan should encourage creative industry to develop TV format business as South Korea has done and Taiwanese Courts should draw a clear limitation between idea and expression for protecting TV program format by studying the international tendency of copyright protection for TV program format with analyses of the most recent legal cases held by UK, Italy and Israel Courts and the legalization of protecting TV program format by South Korean Congress. |