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Architectural Mechanisms of State-Building and Generating 'Habitus' as Witnessed in Apartments
作者 Youngjun Choi (Youngjun Choi)Jaepil Choi (Jaepil Choi)
雖然許多西方學者對公寓之一致呆板性在城市景觀所造成的負面影響提出批評,但公寓在東方世界卻是最常見的房屋類型。這種看法上的差異被以功能的角度來詮釋,亦即,公寓係東方社會在城市人口快速增長和有限土地空間情況下,所不得不採取的策略建築。然而,在現實中,公寓實際上是優於其他類型的住房,儘管這種建築型態並非以空間密度為優先考量。而隱含於公寓之東方社會文化動力也可能是導致公寓不受西方社會青睞的原因。本文以兩種似乎為公寓所擁有的假設特色來觀察公寓:亦即,它們增強了國家建設以及創造了優越空間知識的感知-一種衍生白布迪厄(Bourdieu)概念的“慣習"(Habitus)意義。透過批判性的文獻回顧,我們得到一個初步結論,那就是,相較於西方社會,上述這些特色遠為東方社會所接受。接著,本研究以空間型構(Space Syntax)針對公寓所可能真有的這些特色進行驗證--尤其是清晰度指數(Intelligibility index)--遂而導出何以公寓都常見於東方社會這現象的解釋。
While many western scholars criticize apartments of their uniformity, thus, their negative impact on the urban landscape, they are the most common housing type in the Eastern world. Such discrepancies have been explained from a functional aspect that the Eastern societies had to adopt apartments to keep up with the rapid increase of urban population within the limited land space. In reality, however, apartments are actually preferred over other housing types despite situations where such density is not of great priority. This leads to the possibility that the socio-cultural dynamics embedded in apartments are favored by the Eastern culture but unfavored by the Western. In this paper, we look at two hypothetical aspects apartments seem to possess; that they enhance state-building, and that they create a sense of superiority in spatial knowledge, a reference to Bourdieu's concept of 'Habitus.' Through critical literature review, we reach an interim conclusion that these aspects are far more favored in the East. Next, the presence of these aspects in apartments will be verified through Space Syntax, specific ally focusing on the “Intelligibility” index, which finally leads to a better explanation of why apartments are more common in the East.
起訖頁 19-26
關鍵詞 公寓國家建設慣習空間型構清晰度ApartmentState-BuildingHabitusSpace SyntaxIntelligibility
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201312 (8期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 越南民居設計應用於高層公寓規劃研究
該期刊-下一篇 城市綠帶之建築陰影對永續景觀設計的影響




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