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How Textbooks Reflect Realities: Exploration of 'The Fragrant Plum Trees' as a Chinese-Textbook Text
作者 方志華張芬芬 (Fen-Fen Chang)
教科書課文之納入與排除,反映課程革新方向、教科書編寫取向與社會發展需求。李梅樹是臺灣重要藝術家,其故事被寫成「梅樹飄香」課文,兩度納入國語教科書;其畫作屢收於藝術與人文教科書。本文先寫李梅樹生平,再述教科書有關其故事及作品教材,最後探究教育意涵。本研究發現:一、李梅樹的藝文貢獻與教科書傳遞的文化內容相互輝映。二、「梅文」連續納入1993年課程標準、2003年課程綱要的教科書中,呼應解嚴後重鄉土藝術和本土勵志人物的時代氛圍。三、「梅文」所屬各版教科書大單元,顯示主題編寫從重視傳統文化轉至日常文學。四、比較各版本顯示教科書凸顯李梅樹藝術作品的古典性與鄉土情懷。五、李梅樹豐富的其人其事可滿足歷次課綱教育需求:包括1993年課程標準與2003年課程綱要的題材需求、2008年課程綱要的教學資源需求,以及2019年課程綱要的學習媒材需求。 The texts included or excluded from textbooks reveal much regarding curriculum reform, editing approaches, and social demands. Mei-Shu Li was a prominent Taiwanese artist. His story titled 'The Fragrant Plum Trees' was edited for Chinese textbooks twice, and his paintings were adopted for various Arts-and-Humanities textbooks. Mei-Shu Li's life story, and the texts related to him are discussed in this article. The findings are as follows: 1. Mei-Shu Li's contributions to the art, and his life story in the textbooks reflect interesting radiance to each other. 2. After the Martial Law released in 1987, 'The Fragrant Plum Trees' was compiled successively for the textbooks of 1993 Curriculum Standards and of 2003 Curriculum Guidelines. It echoed the time atmosphere that highlighted the local arts and local inspiring figures. 3. The different unit-themes consisting of 'The Fragrant Plum Trees' in the Chinese textbooks revealed emphasis shifting from traditional culture to daily-life literature. 4. Through comparisons with related texts, Mei-Shu Li's art works in the textbooks were used to reflect both the spirit of classics and topo-philia. 5. The differences in subject matter from Mei-Shu Li's work in various textbooks echo the differences in educational needs during various eras.
起訖頁 1-35
關鍵詞 教科書編纂課程綱要學習媒材李梅樹三峽祖師廟textbook compilationcurriculum guidelineslearning materialsMei-Shu LiSanxia Zu-Shi Temple in Taiwan
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 201908 (12:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 九年一貫課程國中社會教科書公民內涵之課程發展




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