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A Study of AR User Interface — The Portrait Try-on System for the Elderly as an Example
作者 柯志祥張文德
3D擴增實境頭像辨軟體,能讓銀髮族免去現場試戴的時間壓力與困窘,但相關評估研究卻很少。本研究分析頭飾產品配戴系統操作之年齡、介面設計、操作方式與性別因子間的相關性。以銀髮族56名與年輕族群63名為受試樣本。採2×2×2×3四因子混合研究設計:年齡(年輕/銀髮族)、性別、拓蹼結構(線性/混合)與任務複雜度(易/中/難),依變項為任務時間與問卷得分。研究發現:1.銀髮族介面操作整體時間明顯較年輕族群多;2.混合式拓蹼架構介面,在不同任務複雜度情形下,皆能獲得優於線性式架構的操作表現;3.年齡、拓蹼架構任務難度與SUS及尋路策略具相關性。本研究提出使用者操作經驗、介面測試與評估之理論模型,對臺灣高齡設計有所貢獻。 With the augmented reality (AR) three-dimensional portrait try-on system, elderly people can avoid embarrassment or time pressure. However, few studies have focused on the relevant influential issues. In this study, two types of interfaces, namely linear and mixed, with face-reading technology were constructed and analyzed. There were two groups of experimental subjects: older people (28 men and 28 women) and younger people (31 men and 32 women). A2 (older/younger age) × 2 (gender) × 2 (linear/mixed topology) and 3 (easy/ median/difficulty task complexity) mixed-factors experimental design was adopted. The dependent variables were operation time and spatial questionnaire responses. As the study result indicated, age, topology, and subjective spatial capacity significantly affected operation time, but with a gender effect. The younger group had better significantly performance than did the older one; mixed topology was superior to linear topology, and high subjective spatial memory score corresponded to short operation time. Thus, the mixed topological structure is superior to the linear structure because it properly integrates the merits of the hierarchal network topological structures. This study provides an example of AR 3D interface designs and evaluation for adults of all age groups, all of which can aid future studies.
起訖頁 151-188
關鍵詞 3D擴增實境介面設計性別拓蹼銀髮族臉部辨識AR 3Dface readinggenderinterface designthe elderstopology
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201901 (36期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 都市旅遊之手機電子地圖與紙本旅遊地圖使用經驗研究




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