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Japan's FTA Strategy in the 21th Century: Leveraging between RCEP and TPP
作者 黃子庭 (Tzu-Ting Huang)
1990s年代FTAs興起如雨後春筍,日本亦趨附這股風潮,轉向經濟夥伴協定(Economic Partnership Agreement, EPA)和雙邊投資協定(Bilateral Investment Treaties, BIT),其實是為了回應多重競爭的挑戰,避免商業社群在海外競爭力的喪失。首先,日本必須重解決由FTA的貿易轉移所造成的海外商業競爭力降低問毗,例如在北美自由貿易協定(North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA)及後續的墨西哥-歐盟FTA(Mexico-EU FTA)中所造成它與墨西哥間往來貿易的損失。其次,面臨亞太地區的雙邊FTA的結盟日漸興盛,日本公司也希望締結EPA來重振其東亞生產網絡,搶得在東協發展的先機。因此,日本轉向EPA及BIT以彌補WTO等多邊機制的不足,這股風潮主要受到商業社群如「經團連」(Keidanren)的主導,在經團連的積極運作下,日本雙邊FTA的成果相當豐碩。而自2000s年亞洲多邊主義(multilateralism)再度興起,無論是在金融、經貿或安全方面多邊組織與制度皆林立,繪製出一張層疊交錯的「多邊化區域主義」的區域架構圖。其中在經貿方面,近幾年來「巨型FTA」興起,除東協加N的架構外,亞太區域內外的整合尚包括「跨太平洋夥伴協定」(Trans-Pacific Partnership, TPP)、區域全面經濟伙伴關係(Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, RCEP)、中日韓FTA(China-Japan-Korea FTA)、跨大西洋貿易與投資伙伴協定(The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP)和日本-歐盟FTA等,日本自然也在對亞洲的外交政策中積極融入這股多邊主義,參與經濟整合的聯盟,作為對區域結構改變的回應,可看出日本的區域整合政策是要在區域政治與經濟上獲得更大影響力。TPP為美國所主導,而區域性全面經濟夥伴協定則是中國新興的東亞途徑(the East Asian approach)區域整合工具之一,反射了所謂「東亞FTA」(East Asia Free Trade Agreement, EAFTA)的倡議,即「東協加三」(中、日、韓)或「東協加六」(中、日、韓、紐、澳、印度),RCEP也被視為對於TPP的回應,作為鞏固東協+N模式的新興機制,TPP與RCEP各為美、中所主導,代表亞太地區兩股新興的巨型區域經濟整合勢力。日本應如何因應TPP與RCEP這兩個巨型FTA,以施展它在全球化下新區域主義的影響力,以及TPP與RCEP為日本帶來的機會,將是本論文所要探討的核心議題。
As the FTAs took effect in the 1990s, Japan started to gravitate towards Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) to respond to multiple challenges and competition wrought by the international business community. Initially, Japan had to confront/overcome its trade diversion by easing on competition abroad spearheaded by NAFTA and MexicoEU FTA which contributed hugely to Japan's trade deficit. To respond to these losses, Japan deployed and capitalized on the architect of the Asia Pacific to counter emerging networks of bilateral FTAs to advance Japan's opportunities and leverages in East Asia/ASEAN markets. To ensure success, Japan's FTA negotiations were navigated by Keidanren. Generally speaking, since 2000, multilateralism and trade arrangements have restored their reputation to thrive in finance, trade and security in the regional architecture of the Asia Pacific landscape. Regarding trade, multilateralism networks embody itself in the FTAs networks as “ASEAN + N”; TPP; RCEP; China-JapanKorea FTA inter alia. Specifically, Japan responded with such shifts enthusiastically by combining its diplomatic and developmental goals to thrive. But as the wind of change took effect in recent years, the different approaches initiated by the United States and China (TPP and RCEP) also represented two doctrines in the Asian Pacific regional economic integration that have had adverse implications. Before, the Asia Pacific integration was spearhead and denominated by the “Asia Pacific Doctrine” and “East Asia Doctrine”. Currently, the Asian Pacific integration revolve around the TPP and RCEP. The question becomes: How can Japan operate and manipulate these two mega-FTAs as leverage to thrive in the neo-regionalism and multilateralism frameworks? The lacunae of this article explores/analyze the impacts and implications of TPP and RCEP arrangement to Japan.
起訖頁 29-72
關鍵詞 FTA策略跨太平洋夥伴協定(TPP)區域全面經濟伙伴關係(RCEP)FTATPPRCEPMultilateralismRegionalismAsian PacificJapan
刊名 WTO研究  
期數 2016 (28期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際事務學院世界貿易組織研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 WTO貿易便捷化協定如何有助於新絲路?
該期刊-下一篇 從韓流新勢力K-POP窺探韓國軟實力之發展戰略




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