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Development and Practice of the Curriculum of Remote Characteristic Schools: A Case Study of the Characteristic Course of “Fern Generation Double Eggplant” of Dongshan Elementary School in New Taipei City
作者 黃麗鈴
特色學校的推動源自於少子化的衝擊,部份學校出現空餘教室過剩、校園角落荒蕪、偏鄉迷你小校人數逐年萎縮,面臨整併或裁撤的價值兩難之評估。各校為了凸顯學校經營的獨特性,積極發展特色課程實踐,建立自有品牌,提升學校招生及永續經營。在108課綱實施及教育部對於特色學校計畫有大幅改變及調整之際,以新北市偏遠學校東山國小發展「蕨代雙茄」特色課程與108課綱連結,據以描繪卓越願景、戮力教育實踐、實踐扶弱拔尖及創造永續課程,透過領導創新經營、課程統整探索、教學多元活化及社區資源互動等四個面向實踐落實,並進一步說明特色課程推動的省思及挑戰。 The promotion of featured schools stems from the impact of the low Fertility. Some schools have excess classrooms, the campus corner is ridiculous, and the number of mini-primary schools in the township has shrunk year by year, facing the dilemma of the value of consolidation or abolition. In order to highlight the uniqueness of school management, each school actively develops its own curriculum practices, establishes its own brands, and enhances school enrollment and sustainable management. In the implementation of the 108 curriculum guidelines and the Ministry of Education's major changes and adjustments to the special school plans , take the development of the “Fernian Double Eggplant” featured l course in the Dongshan Elementary School of the New Taipei City for example. According to the vision of excellence, the practice of enthusiasm for education, the practice of weakening the top and the creation of sustainable courses, through the leadership of innovative management, curriculum integration exploration, teaching diversity activation and community resource interaction, etc. It illustrate the thinking and challenges promoted by the featured Course.
起訖頁 121-132
關鍵詞 特色學校學校特色特色課程featured schoolschool featuresfeatured courses
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201909 (123期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 全球化校園之芻議:以移動力為基礎
該期刊-下一篇 我國中、小學學生家長會費相關議題之初探――兼論該階段家長會協辦親職教育活動之實施




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