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Are There Gender Differences in Academic Performance?–Rethinking Gender Stereotype Threats of PISA Results in Taiwan
作者 黃秀雯 (Hsiu-Wen Huang)王采薇 (Tsai-Wei Wang)
本文以臺灣學生參與2006年至2015年國際學生能力(PISA)評量之結果作為論述基礎,探究性別與學科間的學習成就差異性,並經由文獻試圖提出不同性別學生在數學和科學素養的表現差異原因。研究發現儘管男女學生於數學和科學素養表現已無顯著差異,但相較於男生,女生在科學學習興趣、自我效能、參與相關活動與選修相關系所意願,仍存在小度效果量的顯著差異。研究者推論造成此現象之原因可能來自於性別刻板印象威脅,希冀教育工作者能再思學生在學習發展中性別刻板印象威脅之影響。最後針對降低性別刻板印象威脅對數學和科學學習(STEM)及未來職涯發展提出三點建議:1.營造性別平等的師生互動關係;2.進行STEM教學時多採用協作式的教學法;3.增加女生接觸STEM學習活動的機會。 Based on Taiwan students' Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results between 2006 and 2015, this study explored the gender differences in mathematical and scientific competences and factors affecting gender differences. It was found that although there was no significant gender difference in mathematical and scientific competences, there was still a significant difference in the moderate effect of female students' interest in scientific learning, self-efficacy, participation in related activities and majoring in mathematics and science. We believed that the threat of gender stereotypes had great impact on it and hoped all educators could rethink the effects of gender stereotype threats on girls' academic learning. Finally, in order to reduce the threat of gender stereotypes on girls' mathematics and science studies (STEM) and future career development, the researchers suggested: 1. creating a gender equal interaction relationship between teachers and students; 2. adopting a cooperation/collaborative teaching strategy while teaching STEM fields; 3. increasing opportunities for girls to engage in STEM learning activities.
起訖頁 154-170
關鍵詞 國際學生能力評量性別刻板印象威脅Programme for International Student Assessmentgenderstereotypes threat
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201907 (122期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 探究學科內容與語言整合教學能力:CLIL教師專業能力分析
該期刊-下一篇 攝影與寫作整合教學效果之研究:在國語文領綱中相遇




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