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The Integrative Perspective of Principal Leadership Styles: An Multi-Frame Orientation Approach
作者 曾文鑑
校長領導的整合性觀點從多元架構取向分析論述見樹又見林的校長領導,以結構化領導架構、人資化領導架構、政治化領導架構、象徵化領導架構及教育化領導架構為其視角,希冀校長領導學校發展時,以一種更多元、更兼容並蓄的觀點,以不同領導型態的多元途徑來調整自身的領導角色,使校長更有能力面對越發複雜的教育生態,發揮領導效能,引領學校持續進步與成長。並且以重構及釋意的觀點,提出對五種架構的再詮釋,以引發校長領導的「創造性蛻變」。 This study adopted an integrative approach to explore principal leadership from the perspective of multi-frame orientation. Based on the proposed five dimensions of leadership styles, namely, structural leadership, human resource leadership, politicized leadership, symbolic leadership, and educational leadership, it is hoped that principals will lead the development of schools with a more diverse and inclusive vision, make use of the various leadership styles to establish their leadership roles, so that the principals become more capable of dealing with increasingly complex educational ecology, and to give full play to great leadership that leads to the continuous improvement and growth of schools. The study redefines the five dimensions of principal leadership effectiveness in order to initiate a “creative metamorphosis” in principals and their leadership styles.
起訖頁 3-19
關鍵詞 校長領導領導整合多元架構取向principal leadershipintegrative leadershipmulti-frame orientation
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201907 (122期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 國民小學校長翻轉領導與學生學習表現之研究




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