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作者 林英杰
中共十九大明確指出,中國特色社會主義進入新時代,首要之務就是推進國家治理體系和治理能力現代化,而實現邊疆治理現代化更是新時代的重要任務。邊疆治理現代化是一個系統工程,需要從國家整體發展的視角加強頂層設計,提高邊疆經濟社會發展繁榮的治理體系和治理能力。中國有9個陸地邊疆省區,面積約佔總國土面積的60%,人口約占全國總人口的21%,並擁有與周邊國家展開全面的經濟技術合作與文化交流的地緣優勢。 The 19th CPC National Congress clearly pointed out that the primary task of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era is to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, and the realization of frontier governance modernization is an important task of the new era. The modernization of frontier governance is a systematic project. It is necessary to strengthen the top-level design from the perspective of the overall development of the country and improve the governance system and governance capacity of the frontier economy and social development. China has nine territorial frontier provinces, accounting for 60% of the total land area, accounting for 21% of the country's total population, and has a geographical advantage of comprehensive economic and technological cooperation and cultural exchanges with neighboring countries. At the same time, however, frontier governance also involves political, economic, social, cultural and other diverse and complex issues, and is responsible for safeguarding the country's core areas, and thus providing a solid strategic position for national governance. It can be seen that frontier governance is an important part of China's national governance modernization, which fully reflects the process and standard of national governance modernization. In view of the relatively insufficient attention paid to the academics in China, this article will collect the main research literatures on frontier governance and systematically introduce its current development. In addition to the important representative scholars and their opinions, this article will also analyze the characteristics of relevant research, and think about the trend of China's frontier governance research from their shortcomings.
起訖頁 20-42
關鍵詞 中國邊疆治理中共十九大中國特色社會主義國家治理現代化一 帶一路倡議China's frontier governanceThe 19th CPC National CongressSocialism with Chinese characteristicsModernization of national governanceThe Belt and Road Initiative
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 201907 (72:7期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 媽祖文化記憶與虛實整合的文化觀光旅遊:以某烏魚子觀光工廠為例




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