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作者 胡成
在當下「全球在地化」的研究中,「在地化」與「本土化」是兩個頗為重要的研究面相。就二十世紀中國而言,學術機構的「全球在地化」,或者說「在地化」與「本土化」頗為成功的,當屬美國洛克菲勒基金會旗下的中華醫學基金會,及其重點資助和主持的北京協和醫學院。本文的核心問題,是期望通過梳理該會駐華代表的顧臨,與中國學者胡適之間的學術交往,探討協和醫學院這樣一個在資金、學術和教育理念、管理模式,以及相當部分教職員來自美國的東亞地區頂級醫學院,在其時中國是如何「在地化」和「本土化」。本文的結論認為,如果著眼於百年來中國科學的發展,值得稱道的當是倆人同聲相應、同氣相求於協和的醫學精英教育,使之對接當時正在萌芽的現代中國精深科學研究,以最大限度發揮其示範、輻射和帶動效用。而這也正是百年來中國學術念茲在茲的矢志以求。 “Localization” and “indigenization” are two important aspects in the theoretical current of so-called “glocalization.” One successful example of the glocalization—or even localization or indigenization—of academic institutions in twentieth-century China was the sponsoring and directing of the Chinese Medical Board and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) by the Rockefeller Foundation. Through studying the academic communications between Roger S. Greene (1881-1947) and Hu Shi 胡適 (1891-1962), this paper attempts to explore how the elite education provided by PUMC, as a top medical institution and a recipient of financial support, academic and educational ideas, management models, as well as a portion of its faculty members from the United States, was eventually localized and became indigenous by 1937. This paper concludes that, from the perspective of the historical development of science in China over the 20th century, the exchange of ideas and cooperation between Greene and Hu on the issue of elite medical education was a remarkable model and promoter of advanced scientific research in China—which is precisely what both past and present academics of China have been desiring.
起訖頁 263-291
關鍵詞 在地化本土化顧臨胡適北京協和醫學院localizationindigenizationRoger S. GreeneHu Shi胡適Peking Union Medical College北京協和醫學院
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201906 (37:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 反者道之動——理雅各與《道德經》之翻譯和論戰
該期刊-下一篇 書評:Traditional Chinese Architecture: Twelve Essays




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