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作者 蔡佩臻 (Pei-Jen Tsai)林瑞香徐秀琹
背景:加護病房護理人員每日照護與生死衝擊的病患及身處緊張高壓的工作環境下,可能影響其靈性健康及睡眠品質。目的:探討加護病房護理人員睡眠品質、靈性健康及其影響因素。方法:採橫斷面相關性研究設計,以分層比例隨機抽樣法,共招募北部某醫學中心加護病房170名護理人員。以「受訪者基本屬性調查表」、「匹茲堡睡眠品質量表」及「靈性健康量表-簡版」進行資料的收集。結果:加護病房護理人員睡眠品質平均7.07分,睡眠品質不良者佔62.9%。靈性健康之次量表「與人締結」與睡眠品質總分呈顯著負相關,得分愈高者睡眠品質愈好。加護病房護理人員睡眠品質的預測因子為「與人締結」、「有慢性病」及「生理期不適」。結論/實務應用:建議選擇溫和而不受時間、空間限制的運動,不僅可預防慢性疾病,還可減緩痛經問題;再者,將靈性健康相關教育訓練納入全人教育課程中,增強靈性狀態,進而改善睡眠品質。 Background: Nurses in intensive care units (ICUs) care for critically ill and dying patients. The stressful nature of the work performed by these nurses may affect their spiritual health and sleep quality. Purpose: The purpose of this correlational study was to explore the sleep quality, spiritual health, and related factors in a sample of ICU nurses. Methods: A cross-sectional correlational design with stratified random sampling was applied. A total of 170 clinical nurses were recruited from the ICUs of a medical center in northern Taiwan. A demographic characteristics questionnaire, the spiritual health scale-short form, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were used for data collection. Results: The average PSQI score was 7.07, with 62.9% of the participants reporting poor sleep quality. A significantly negative correlation was identified between the spiritual-health-scale item “connections to others” and the PSQI. “Connections to others”, “chronic diseases”, and “menstrual cycle discomfort” were the important predictive factors of sleep quality in the ICU nurses in this study. Conclusions/Implications for practice: The findings of this study support nurses engaging in regular exercise that is both low-intensity and not subject to time or space restrictions in order to help prevent chronic diseases and relieve dysmenorrhea. Furthermore, education and training related to spiritual health should be incorporated into the wholeperson education curriculum in order to enhance spiritual status and improve sleep quality.
起訖頁 49-59
關鍵詞 加護病房睡眠品質靈性健康intensive care unitsleep qualityspiritual health
刊名 護理雜誌  
期數 201908 (66:4期)
出版單位 臺灣護理學會
該期刊-上一篇 非施暴照顧者面對家內兒童遭受身體虐待之行動抉擇歷程
該期刊-下一篇 提升兒科病房入院環境介紹完整率之改善方案




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