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Ebb and Flow Culture of Doritaenopsis Orchid in Non-Woven Fabric Pots
作者 外川高雄小森照彦米田和夫
為了確認朵麗蝶蘭(Doritaenopsis)在盆栽生產中的實用性,我們採用不織布的潮汐灌溉自動給水栽培方法進行研究。結果顯示:1)不織布盆和潮汐灌溉自動給水組合的栽培與以往的手工給水和塑膠盆栽培相比,每個花莖上的小花數量增多,品質明顯提高。2)此栽培法可以在瓶苗出瓶後馬上進行,在與本試驗場環境相同的場所,瓶苗自組織培養瓶取出後約16個月時,可以長出10朵以上的小花。因此,高品質的朵麗蝶蘭生產是可以實現的。 We cultured Doritaenopsis orchids in non-woven fabric pots by the Ebb and Flow Method to see if the automated watering system is practical for growing this orchid. 1) In comparison to the conventional growing method, which uses manual watering and plastic pots, growing the plants in non-woven fabric pots by the Ebb and Flow Method resulted in greatly improved flower quality, such as a larger number of flowers per flower stalk. 2) This growing system can be used immediately after the plants were taken out of the flask. Other places under similar conditions to this experiment, Doritaenopsis orchids produced more than 10 excellent flowers per stalk in about 16 months after they were taken out of the flask.
起訖頁 203-207
關鍵詞 朵麗蝶蘭高品質開花潮汐灌溉法不織布盆Doriteanopsishigh qualityfloweringEbb and Flow systemnon-woven fabric
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200406 (50:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 台灣金線連之無菌播種與共生發芽
該期刊-下一篇 利用省電燈泡與間歇照明節省菊花電照成本




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