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Effect of Temperature and Light on Germination of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Seeds.
作者 宋妤張仁銓
高溫及黑暗顯著抑制芹菜種子發芽及減緩發芽速度,33℃會完全抑制發芽,‘青骨芹菜種子’以照光20/30℃發芽處理有較高之發芽率,為97.4%。以27/33℃變溫不同時間處理,於照光條件下,青骨於33℃超過12小時以上,黑暗下,則於8小時以上發芽會明顯被抑制。種子發芽生理變化方面,適溫24℃下,隨浸潤天數增加,α-澱粉酵素活性顯著提高,且較於30、33℃為高,β-澱粉酵素活性以33℃處理下降更明顯。種子內全可溶性糖於24℃發芽處理含量最高,澱粉含量最低。在27/33℃變溫處理下,隨33℃處理時間增加,α、β-澱粉酵素活性明顯降低,全可溶性糖含量較少。 High temperature and darkness significantly inhibited germination of ‘green-plume’ celery seeds. The seeds did not germinate at 33℃. The germination percentage, at 20/30℃ under light, was 97.4%. At various daily duration of 27/33℃ under light, seed germination was inhibited by over 12 hours at 33℃. Seed germination was inhibited by over 8 hours at 33℃ under dark condition. The α-amylase activity of seeds imbibed at 24℃ was higher than those imbibed at 30 and 33℃. The β-amylase activity of seeds imbibed at 33℃ was significantly reduced. The seeds imbibed at 24℃ had the highest soluble sugar content and the lowest starch content among all given imbibed temperature treatments. With seeds imbibed at 27/33℃, the activities of α-amylase and β-amylase were significantly reduced by long duration at 33℃.
起訖頁 157-166
關鍵詞 芹菜種子發芽率全可溶性糖澱粉分解酵素celery seedgermination percentsoluble sugaramylase
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200406 (50:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 台灣重要經濟酪梨栽培品種之開花習性
該期刊-下一篇 組織培養星辰花玻璃質化之影響因子




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