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Effect of nitrogen concentration on growth and the volatile compounds of leaf of Three Lemon Balm Plants
作者 周世瑤張祖亮阮素芬黃怡菁陳右人
本試驗為探討施用硝酸態氮(NO_3 ^- -N)、銨態氮(NH_4 ^+-N)及尿素氮(Urea-N)對Melissa officinalis、M. officinalis 'Quedlingburger'、M. officinalis 'Citronella'的生長及葉片揮發性香氣影響。三種盆栽香蜂草連續四週分別以20 mM的硝酸態氮(NO_3 ^- -N)、20 mM的銨態氮(NH_4 ^+-N)以及20 mM的尿素氮(Urea-N)澆灌,結果顯示尿素氮可使M. officinalis有最多的葉片數及枝條數,而銨態氮則可使M. officinalis 'Quedlingburger'及M. officinalis 'Citronella'有最多的葉片數,可見三種香蜂草喜好的氮素型態不同。測量盆栽給水後流出之淋洗液的pH值,供給銨態氮者最低,在4.5至5.0之間,以尿素處理者次之,在6.0至6.5之間,以硝酸態處理者,在7.0至7.5之間。三種香蜂草的葉片揮發性香氣主要為橙花醛(neral)及檸檬醛(geranial),以相對吸收峰比值(AI, Area index)而言,M. officinalis 'Citronella'明顯少於M. officinalis及M. officinalis 'Quedlingburger'。氮素型態顯著影響揮發性香氣之含量,M. officinalis及M. officinalis 'Quedlingburger'以硝酸態氮表現較佳,M. officinalis 'Citronella'則相反。 M. officinalis, M. officinalis 'Quedlingburge' and M. officinalis 'Citronella' were respectively applied continuously for 4 weeks with 20mM nitrate form nitrogen solution (NO_3 ^--N) and ammonium form nitrogen solution (NH_4 ^+-N) and urea nitrogen solution (Urea-N), M. officinals treated by urea nitrogen solution had the greatest number of leaves and shoots occurred s and M. officinalis 'Quedlingburger' and M. officinalis 'Citronella' treated by ammonium form nitrogen solution had the greatest number of leaves. Leaching water of NH_4 ^+ -N treatment had the lowest pH, around 4.5-5.0, and it was followed by Urea-N and NO_3 ^—N, which were around 6.0-6.5 and 7.0-7.5 respectively. The analysis of volatile compounds of leaf from M. officinalis, M. officinalis' 'Quedlingburger' and M. officinalis 'Citronella' after different nitrogen form solution treatment by SPME and GC-MS showed that their main compounds were neral and geranial, and the total AI (Area index) value dropped with treatment time, and started to rise 2 weeks later. M. officinalis 'Citronella' had the lowest volatile compounds content, and the other two cultivars were almost the same. Nitrogen form significantly influenced volatile compounds content, and each variety seams preferred unique nitrogen form.
起訖頁 185-197
關鍵詞 精油硝酸態氮銨態氮尿素固相微萃取essential oilnitrate form nitrogenammonium form nitrogenureaSPME (solid phase micro-extraction)
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201712 (63:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-下一篇 葉面噴施不同濃度鉀離子對‘台農1號’百香果果實品質之影響




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