中文摘要 |
周年間每月進行高壓、扦插及嫁接,以了解小西氏石櫟(Pasania konishii(Hay.)Schottky)無性繁殖之可行性及其適宜之繁殖季節。高壓法於日月潭畔之原生林中進行,但發根率低且需時較久。扦插採實生苗與魚池鄉標定植株之枝條,於台灣大學扦插;14個月的扦插試驗,結果顯示9月至1月皆有扦插發根的可能性,其中又以1月為最高。無論幼年性枝條或成熟枝條,都具有發根成活之能力;以1-Naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA)及Indole-3-butyric acid(IBA)兩種發根劑處理之插穗,與對照組相比,未能顯著提高發根的比例。嫁接於林業試驗所網室內進行,以標定植株當年生成熟枝條為接穗,嫁接於一年生實生苗上;在台北的氣候條件下,小西氏石櫟適宜於1至3月進行嫁接,其中以2月有較高之嫁接存活率,其餘月份似較難成活。
This experiment investigated the vegetative propagation methods, including cutting, air layering and grafting, of Pasania konishii. From May 2008 to April 2010, two trees were monthly air layered beside Sun-Moon lake, but rooting rate was very low, and time-consuming. Cutting shoots were collected from Yuchih township and seedling, and processed in National Taiwan University. After the 14-month test, one-year-old cutting shoot only rooted during Sep. to Jan. and the highest rooting rate appeared in Jan. Neither the maturity of the cuttings shoots nor the application of rooting promotion chemicals (NAA or IBA) increased the rooting rate. Grafting was done in Forest Experimental Institute. Fungicide was useful for improving graft-survival rate. Under Taipei climate, Jan. to Mar. should be the proper P. konishii grafting season, especially in Feb. |