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The Effects of Different Pavements on the Microclimate of National Taiwan University Campus
作者 李宛臻蘇愛媜林晏州
鋪面為景觀空間中重要的元素,因為鋪面不同的色彩、材質等特性會影響空間的氣候環境。本研究選擇國立臺灣大學校園內十個地點之鋪面作為測點,材質包括:柏油路、水泥地、紅磚、白磚、水泥磚、石英磚、草地,利用Watchdog 2550 Weather Station調查十個測點之氣溫、相對濕度、鋪面表面溫度等微氣候數據進行比較分析。結果顯示十種鋪面空間與參考點的氣溫差範圍為-0.2℃至-1.6℃、相對溼度差範圍為0.7%至3.6%,鋪面表面溫度差範圍為0.5℃至-5.9℃,而隨著鋪面的顏色越深,鋪面表面溫度越高,而草地表面溫度較多數人造材質鋪面低。鋪面宜選擇使用自然鋪面或使用淺色的人造鋪面,以降低地表之溫度。 Different characteristics of pavements such as texture and color would change the neighborhood microclimate. The objective of this study was to investigate the influences of pavements on the microclimates in landscape spaces, with ten sites in National Taiwan University. Pavements included the asphalt, concrete, red brick, white brick, concrete paving units, lime stone, and lawn. The air temperature, the relative humidity, the temperature of pavement surface, and wind speed were measured and recorded by Watchdog 2550 Weather Station. The results indicated that the difference of air temperature between ten sites and control site ranged from -0.2℃ to -1.6℃, the difference of relative humidity ranged from 0.7% to 3.6%, and the difference of temperature of pavement surface ranged from 0.5℃ to -5.9℃. The surface temperature of pavement increased with the darker color of pavements. Besides, the surface temperature of lawn was lower than other pavements. Lawns and light color pavements should be used for reducing the heat of surface.
起訖頁 295-303
關鍵詞 景觀元素熱傳遞反照率透水性氣溫相對溼度表面溫度landscape elementheat transferalbedopermeabilityair temperaturerelative humiditysurface temperature
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201212 (58:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
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