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Differences in the Growth and Flowering Performance of Phalaenopsis Having Flower Stalks of Various Lengths and Being Kept in Simulated Shipping for Various Durations
作者 黃書虹黃家慧沈再木黃光亮
台灣的外銷蝴蝶蘭於運達國外後需經短暫時間恢復和催花,才能販售。本研究探討帶不同長度花梗的蝴蝶蘭經模擬貯運後的生長及開花表現。蝴蝶蘭Doritaenopsis Ruey Lih Beauty 'G92803'及Phalaenopsis Hsinying Lip 'Hsin-Ying'兩品種苗株先置於25/20℃催花溫室中,待花梗長度達1.3±0.09,3.2±0.11,5.4±0.13,或7.4±0.15 cm時,移到21±1℃模擬貯運1,2,3,或4週。然後再調查其於25/20℃環境下之開花表現。結果顯示1-4週黑暗貯運對帶花梗Phal. Hsinying Lip 'Hsin-Ying'影響光合作用不大。經貯運1-4週的帶花梗Dtps. Ruey Lih Beauty 'G92803'開花時最短的花梗及花序各為49.5及25.5 cm;較未經貯運植株的64.9及38.8 cm短。前者總花朵數最少為13.7朵,亦較未經貯運植株的25.5朵少。又貯運時間愈長,開花表現愈差。帶花梗的Phal. Hsinying Lip 'Hsin-Ying'植株比未抽梗的植株同樣經貯運1-4週後,提早31.4天開花。前者開花時花梗及花序長可各達81.7及43.7 cm;較後者的66.5及30.3 cm為長。前者總花朵數25.7朵,亦較後者的15.5朵為多。本試驗帶花梗之兩品種蝴蝶蘭經黑暗貯運1-4週後,開花時仍可維持良好觀賞品質,但貯運時間之長短顯著影響其整體開花表現。 Two commercial cultivars of orchids, Doritaenopsis 'Ruey Lih Beauty G92803' and Phalaenopsis 'Hsinying Lip Hsin-Ying', were grown in the flower-inducing greenhouse kept at 25/20℃ until their flower stalks reached the length of 1.3±0.09, 3.2±0.11, 5.4±0.13, or 7.4±0.15 cm. The plants were then kept in dark at 21±1℃ for 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks, simulating long-distance surface shipment. After such treatments, plants were moved to growth condition at 25/20℃ for further observation of growth and flowering performance. The ability of photosynthesis of ”Hsinying Lip Hsin-Ying” plants was not significantly affected by the simulated shipping treatment. However, the simulated shipping treatments substantially reduced the lengths of stalks and inflorescences as well as the number of flowers per stalk in 'Ruey Lih Beauty G92803'. Furthermore, the longer duration of simulate shipping, the severer reductions occured. In 'Hsinying Lip Hsin-Ying' plants, when plants with flower stalks and those without stalks were subject to simulated shipping, the former flowered earlier, had longer stalks and inflorescences, and had more flowers per stalk then the latter after both groups were subject to simulated shipping. All plants tested produced flowers with ornamental value after simulated shipping, but the duration of simulated shipping treatment had significant influences on the performance of post-shipping plants. The effectiveness of harpin and chitosan treatments on the improvement of the quality of Phalaenopsis plants after simulated long-distance shipping was investigated. Harpin and chitosan were applied at 5 g•L^(-1) and 10 mL•L^(-1), respectively, before 3-4 weeks of simulated shipping. Harpin reduced the number of disease infected plants after the shipping, but chitosan did not. In Phalaenopsis plants inoculated with Fusarium solani, both harpin and chitosan treatments reduced the infectious disease symptoms. Western blot analysis indicated that pathogenesis-related protein 2 (PR2) was induced in both harpin and chitosan treatments. Harpin resulted in higher levels of PR2 accumulation than chitosan did. The latter reduced to an invisible level after the simulated shiping. It seemed that harpin might be effective on inducing a long-lasting disease resistance during long-distance shipping of Phalaenopsis plants. Formaldehyde is one of the common indoor volatile organic compounds and it has been classified as a human carcinogen. Plants are known to remove formaldehyde, but the efficiency varies with plant parts and growing media. In this study, we measured formaldehyde removing capacity of the shoot, whole plant-medium, medium-root zone, and sterilized medium-root zone of Dieffenbachia maculata (Lodd.) G. Don 'Camilla'. Each of these test materials was exposed to 1±0.01μL•L^(-1) formaldehyde in airtight chambers (0.128 m^3) at 8 h•d^(-1) for seven days and the formaldehyde removal rate measured daily. Shoot and whole plant- medium of Dieffenbachia maculata 'Camilla' had the highest formaldehyde absorption rate, 0.8 to 0.9μL•L^(-1) formaldehyde removed per pot (leaf area 416 to 536 cm^2) per day. When calculated on a leaf area basis, the whole plant-medium treatment had the shortest time (13 to 19 min) to reduce 50% of initial formaldehyde concentration in the chamber. Exposure to formaldehyde did not alter net photosynthetic rate, SPAD-502 value and Fv/Fm of the recently fully developed leaves of growing Dieffenbachia plants. Medium-root zone removed 60% of formaldehyde in the chamber each day for seven successive days. Sterilized medium-root zone lost its ability to absorb formaldehyde temporarily, but gradually recovered and reached the same level as non-sterilized one on day 7.
起訖頁 193-207
關鍵詞 著生蘭葉綠素螢光碳水化合物濃度epiphytic orchidchlorophyll fluorescencecrabohydrate concentration
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201009 (56:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 施用Harpin與Chitosan誘抗劑對提昇蝴蝶蘭貯運後品質之效果




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