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Screening for Bacterial Soft Rot Resistant Varieties of Aglaonema and Araceae Plants
作者 馮靖廷蔡賀菁陳麗鈴何婉清
粗肋草(Aglaonema spp.)細菌性軟腐病是由軟腐細菌Pectobacterium chrysanthemi所引起,目前商業栽培上僅在彩虹品種(Sithiporn)發現此病。田間病害一旦發生,即可快速造成植株葉片的軟腐,嚴重時可導致八成以上的植株萎凋死亡。本研究以分離自粗肋草之P. chrysanthemi強病原性ASR-3菌株做為接種源,以噴灑方式接種在彩虹粗肋草的離葉及植株上,探討傷口、病原菌接種密度以及供試溫度對細菌性軟腐病發病的影響。設定最適合的抗病檢定條件後再針對市面常見的18種粗肋草品種以及15種粗肋草屬以外之天南星科植物以離葉接種法進行抗病篩選。結果顯示,無論以植株或以離葉接種,粗肋草細菌性軟腐病必須經由傷口感染。離葉接種試驗中,在16℃及26℃不發病,在28℃及30℃的供試溫度下,病原菌接種密度在103CFU/mL時便會發病;在20至30℃的供試溫度下,病原菌接種密度為106CFU/mL以上時,只要一天就會出現典型的軟腐病徵。病原菌接種密度在103CFU/mL至108CFU/mL之間密度越高,病勢進展的速度愈快。供試溫度在20℃至28℃之間,溫度愈高病勢進展速度愈快。利用離葉接種法進行抗病篩選的結果,18個粗肋草品種中,以箭羽品種(Curtisii)最為抗病,雪后(Snow Queen)與白馬(White Tip)為中度抗病,其餘15種品種則為中度感病及高度感病。同法篩選其他15種或品種天南星科植物之結果,圓滿白鶴芋(Spathiphyllum ''''Ceres'''')、綠精靈合果芋(Syngonium ''''Pixie'''')及萊姆黃金葛(Epipremnum ''''Sun Shine'''')最為感病,白花海芋及黛粉葉中的星光(Diffenbachia ''''Star Bright'''')、綠雪(Superba)、白玉(Camilla)品種及火鶴花中的珊瑚(Anthurium ''''Anuenue'''')、夏粉(Marian Seefurth)、嫣紅(Nitta Orange)與邱比特(Tropical)等品種均對軟腐病完全免疫,其餘4種或品種則呈現不同程度的感病性。 Burkholder et al. prevails only in 'Sithiporn' variety in Taiwan. The pathogen can cause soft rot of the leaf tissue rapidly after infection. More than 80% of plant losses in some plantations have been reported in severe cases. A virulent strain of P. chrysanthemi, ASR-3, was inoculated on detached leaves of 'Sithiporn' to study the effects of wounding, inoculum density and temperature on the disease development. Wounding was found necessary for a successful inoculation. An inoculum density at 103 CFU/mL was able to cause infection at 28-30℃. Typical soft rot symptoms appeared in one day after inoculation with an inoculum density of 106 CFU/mL at 20-30℃. The disease rate increased with inoculum concentration and with temperature between 20-28℃. The disease developed most rapidly at around 28℃, and did not develop at a low temperature of 16℃ or a high temperature of 36℃. Among 18 Aglaonema cultivars screened by detached leaf inoculation, 'Curtisii' was very resistant, 'Snow Queen' and 'White Tip' were moderately resistant, and the rest were either moderately or highly susceptible. Among 15 other Araceae species or cultivars screened, Spathiphyllum 'Ceres', Syngonium 'Pixie' and Epipremnum 'Sun Shine' were highly susceptible, while Zantedeschia aethiopica, Dieffenbachia 'Star Bright', D. 'Superba', D. 'Carmilla', Anthurium 'Anuenue', A. 'Marian Seefurth', A. 'Nitta Orange', and A. 'Tropical' were immune. All others were susceptible to the soft rot at different levels.
起訖頁 13-22
關鍵詞 離葉萎凋傷口感染免疫感病detached leafwiltwounded infectionimmunesusceptible
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200903 (55:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 果實成熟度、種子刻傷處理與培養基組成對流蘇種子整齊萌芽之影響
該期刊-下一篇 ‘中山月拔’番石榴葉精油揮發性成分及嗅聞分析之研究




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