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Effects of Storage Temperature and Duration on Postproduction Quality, Leaf Anatomy and Water Potential of Guzmania lingulata Mez. 'Cherry'
作者 郭倩妤葉德銘
擎天鳳梨(Guzmania lingulata Mez. 'Cherry')盆花,可能因貯運期間之乾旱逆境,使貯運後葉片常出現內捲或壞疽,降低儲後品質。本研究探討模擬黑暗貯運溫度與時期對葉片水勢與解剖之影響,以瞭解貯運後葉片內捲或壞疽之可能原因。以10或20℃貯運15天期間,介質含水量維持40%-55%;盆花相對重量直線下降,以20℃處理者下降速率較快。以10℃貯運5或10天,於貯運結束當天並無內捲葉片,壞疽葉片數為3-5片。以20℃貯運5、10或15天,則貯運結束當天之平均內捲葉片數分別為0、2.3與2.7片,平均壞疽葉片數分別為6.2、7.0與13.8片。以20℃貯運15天者,於貯運結束當天有最多內捲或壞疽葉片數。貯運後第14天較貯運結束當天有較多之內捲或壞疽葉片數。貯運結束之盆花相對重量與貯運結束後14天之內捲或壞疽葉片數,呈曲線負相關。以20℃進行模擬黑暗貯運10天期間,老葉基部水勢由-1.5 MPa下降至-1.7 MPa,儲水組織(water storage tissue)相對厚度由100%下降至80%,綠色薄壁組織(chlorenchyma)相對厚度由100%下降至90%。貯運期間葉片水勢及儲水組織相對厚度,均與貯運結束當天之內捲葉片數、壞疽葉片數呈現曲線負相關。 Poststorage quality of potted Guzmania lingulata Mez. 'Cherry' often reduces since plants exhibit incurved or necrotic leaves, possibly due to water stress during storage. The present work determined the effects of storage temperature and duration on leaf water potential, anatomy, and postproduction quality. During 10 or 20℃ simulated dark transport for 15 days, medium water content maintained 40% to 55%. However, relative weight of potted plants declined linearly for both temperature treatments, while this relative weight decreased more rapidly at 20℃ than at 10℃. Plants stored at 10℃ for 5 or 10 days had few incurved leaves and 3 to 5 necrotic leaves at the end of storage. In contrast, plants stored at 20℃ for 5, 10 or 15 days had 0, 2.3 or 2.7 incurved leaves, and 6.2, 7.0 or 13.8 necrotic leaves, respectively. Most incurved and necrotic leaves were recorded in plants after having stored at 20℃ for 14 days. More incurved or necrotic leaves were observed on 14 days after storage than at the end of storage. Numbers of incurved or necrotic leaves on day 14 after end of storage increased with decreasing relative weight of potted plant during storage. During dark storage at 20℃ for 10 days, water potential of old leaf base declined from -1.5 to -1.7 MPa, and relative thickness of water storage tissue and chlorenchyma decreased to 80% and 90%, respectively. Subsequent numbers of incurved or necrotic leaves increased as leaf water potential or relative thickness of water storage tissue at the end of storage decreased.
起訖頁 25-33
關鍵詞 內捲葉片葉片水勢壞疽葉片儲水組織incurved leafleaf water potentialnecrotic leafwater storage tissue
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200803 (54:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 不同日/夜溫處理對蝴蝶蘭抑梗及開花之影響
該期刊-下一篇 修剪對鳳梨釋迦新梢生長及開花之影響




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