中文摘要 |
Ultrastructure of symbiotic Zizania latifolia Turcz. and Ustilago esculenta P. Henn. in potted culture were examined with scanning electron microscope. U. esculenta in vitro was further examined by light microscopy. The sporidium and hyphae of the U. esculenta showed typical septa. All the vegetative organs of symbiotic Z. latifolia, including leaf, stem and root had large air space tissues with aerenchyma cells, but only the stem contained the hyphae of U. esculenta. Most of the symbiotic cells were located in the cortex, especially around the vascular bundle, and some cells were filled with hyphae as hyphae clusters.
以掃瞄式電子顯微鏡,觀察盆栽茭白‘赤殼種’(Zizania latifolia Turcz. 'Che-ko'),與其共生之黑穗菌(Ustilago esculenta P. Henn.)的微細構造;並另以光學顯微鏡觀察懸浮培養的黑穗菌,顯示黑穗菌的小生子及菌絲皆具有典型的隔膜。與菌共生的茭白,其葉、莖及根皆具大的氣室組織及通氣組織細胞,但黑穗菌菌絲僅在莖部出現,且多半在維管束附近的皮層細胞內。在葉部及根部皆未觀察到有共生的黑穗菌菌絲。有些共生的茭白細胞會充滿菌絲,形成菌絲團。 |