中文摘要 |
由於福衛三號星系掩星資料應用於氣象預報的卓越貢獻,聯合國世界氣象組織太空計畫(WMOSpace Program)於2009年底成立「國際掩星工作小組(IROWG)」,作為國際間推動無線電掩星技術在氣象預報應用的整合性平台。2010年9月10-11日於奧地利召開第一次工作討論會議,國際與會人員推崇福衛三號貢獻並期盼後續計畫儘早完成規劃。
Given the ex t raordinar y cont r ibut ion o fFORMOSAT-3 GPS RO data to weather forecast, WMO Space Program establish IROWG around theend of 2009 as a coordination platform to promote ROtechnology application on weather forecast amongcountries. Further more, in first working group meetingof IROWG held in Austria on 10th and 11th of September, 2010, members from various countries recognize thecontribution of FORMOSAT-3 and urge backing for itsfollow-up mission. Owing to tremendous experienceand know-how built up during FORMOSAT-3 mission, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) have taken the initiative in planning a FS3follow-up mission with NSPO in 2009. In May 2010, the American Institute in Taiwan(AIT) and the TaipeiEconomic and Cultural Representative Office in theUnited States(TECRO) signed an agreement for“Technical Cooperation associated with Development, Launch and Operation of a Constellation ObservingSystem for Meteorology, Ionosphere and ClimateFollow-on Mission(FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2).” |