中文摘要 |
隨著微奈米光學科技之發展,各種微奈米元件或薄膜被開發出來,研究人員常面臨容易設計並製作,而卻無法微觀檢測的窘境當中。微奈米光學元件的光學特性常與材質選擇、結構形狀及尺寸大小有相關性,以一般顯微鏡僅有影像定性分析並無光譜定量資訊,亦無法進行偏振相關特性之定量量測功能。顯微光譜儀可用於微奈米元件之量測應用,然目前大多由美國、德國、日本以及韓國所掌握,不僅設備單價昂貴,且不具備偏振功能,其量測寬頻也常受限於可見光波段。因此,目前缺乏一個通用具偏振解析以及寬頻顯微光譜量測儀器平台,本研究開發寬頻顯微光譜儀開發及校正。本套系統將具備400 nm-700 nm之量測頻寬,且具備偏振解析功能。
Commercial spectroscopic ellipsometer and polarimeter cannot characterize the properties of the micro-nano structures because of the poor resolution and lower magnification. In this study, we propose to combine the microscope and microspectrophotometer(MSP) to measure the optical polarization in ultra-broadband wavelength range(400 nm-1700 nm) . We developed a broadband MSP. This MSP can measure characterization for micronano structures in the range of 400 nm-1700 nm. It will be an advance instrument for frontier researches such as chiral metamaterials, plasmonics, micro polarization optics and bio optics. |