中文摘要 |
儀科中心為自主研發高解析遙測取像儀器,在國研院整合下與太空中心合作,積極參與福衛五號衛星遙測酬載研發,已獲得相當重要技術能量。衛星遙測酬載整體光機結構,包括主反射鏡片、次反射鏡片、主結構體、修正鏡組及取像電路模組等,遙測酬載發展過程包含飛行模組PFM(Proto-Flight Model)及實驗模組ExM(Experimental Model),其中實驗模組設計研發主要目的為驗證遙測酬載光機結構組裝與調校能力。藉由實驗體之設計研製,不僅可驗證大口徑非球面鏡片設計分析、拋光檢測技術與太空等級鍍膜技術能量,同時更可驗證福衛五號遙測酬載之設計組裝程序。本文說明實驗體研發過程及建立技術。
Experimental model(ExM) of Remote Sensing Instrument(RSI) was developed prior to Proto-Flight Model(PFM) . It was planned to verify the design and assembly processes in a short period time in order to gain some experience before PFM. Two versions of ExM were reported, where one used diamond-turned Aluminum mirrors and the other polished Zerodur mirrors. The experiences gained through ExM project is introduced, including optomechanical design and analysis, gluing, CMM-aided alignment and interferometer-aided alignment, et al. |