中文摘要 |
本篇文章說明福衛五號C&DH(Command & Data Handling)指令與資料處理次系統之功能架構、發展歷程與軌道運作現況。C&DH負責接收、處理來自地面操控中心之上傳指令,以管控衛星構型、調整衛星姿態、執行拍攝影像任務和科學酬載實驗;同時亦執行飛行軟體之電力、熱控、姿態控制功能,收集衛星狀態資料下傳地面站,以研判衛星健康狀況。本次系統主要元件為OBC(On Board Computer)衛星電腦,為國內首次自製,由太空中心進行電氣與電路設計,中科院則執行機械、熱控設計以及製作組裝。
This paper introduces FORMOSAT-5 C&DH(Command & Data Handling) subsystem related with function, architecture, development fl ow and orbit operation status. C&DH is to receive and handle the ground stations uplink TC(Telecommand) . It performs TC to control satellite configurations, adjust attitude, take images and conduct science payload experiments. Simultaneously, it executes FSW(Flight Software) for Power/Thermal/Attitude control. The satellite SOH(Status of Health) data are also collected and downlinked to the ground stations for monitor and analysis.OBC(On Board Computer) is the key component of C&DH. It’s fi rst indigenous component in Taiwan. NSPO is responsible for electrical circuit design. NCSIST is responsible for mechanical & thermal design, PCB & chassis productions and assembly. |