中文摘要 |
本文中將介紹一個由負載效應所誘發的單層溝槽狀薄層金屬結構來達成寬波段之光能回收。於本研究中,此種由負載效應所誘發的單層溝槽狀薄層金屬結構將可利用表面電漿現象(SPR phenomenon)與三維共振腔效應(3D cavity effects)於紫外光至近紅外光波段提供高吸收、可輕易調控吸收波段且對於光的極化偏振方向不敏感等光學特性,且此結構之最佳化參數大小約為所欲設計波長的一半,如此縱使所欲設計之波長於紫外光或可見光波段,此結構之大小仍可維持數百奈米的尺度,相較於過去研究中所提出的超材料吸收體(metamaterial absorbers),將可大幅地降低於製程上之難度。此外,本研究亦已證實此種由負載效應所誘發的單層溝槽狀薄層金屬結構具有極佳的光熱轉換表現(photothermal performance),並觀察到此結構於紅外光波段下具有極低的放射率(emissivity),因而使得所產生之熱能不易藉由熱輻射(thermal radiation)之形式散失。因此,此結構將可充分的吸收具有高光子能量之紫外光、可見光與近紅外光以產生熱能,而後可藉由連續金屬薄膜層將熱能有效的傳導與收集熱能,並防止所產生的熱能藉由熱輻射之方式而散失,如此便可充分的回收與利用光能,以期可於能源回收利用等相關領域應用上有所助益。
In this study, we demonstrated a broadband perfect absorber based on loading effect-induced single-layer/trenchlike thin metallic(LISTTM) structures. These LISTTM structures take advantage of both surface plasmon resonance(SPR) phenomenon and three dimensional(3D) cavity effects to provide efficient, tunable, and polarizationinsensitive absorption from the UV to the infrared(IR) regime. The optimized hole-width of the LISTTM arrays was approximately one half of the designed wavelength. Therefore, even when the designed absorption band was in the visible regime, the feature sizes of the LISTTM structure could remain on the order of several hundred nanometersdimensions much larger, and structures much simpler, than those of metamaterial-based absorbers. Besides, these LISTTM structures exhibited superior photothermal performance; they also displayed very low emissivity, thereby decreasing heat dispersion through thermal radiation. Therefore, the LISTTM arrays could efficiently absorb light of higher photon energy in the UV, visible, and near-IR regimes, effectively conduct and collect the generated heat through the continuous metal films, and barely disperse any heat through thermal radiation. Accordingly, these attractive properties suggest that such LISTTM absorbers might have promising applications in many fields related to energy harvesting. |