本文介紹電容式、電阻式感測器與讀取電路之整合設計,並實現於單一CMOS晶片上之技術與研究成果。本文架構主要分四部份,首先是感測器簡介,說明電阻式、電容式感測器的運作原理;感測器與讀取電路整合製作技術於第二部份介紹,可透過微機電(micro-electro-mechanical systems,MEMS)技術進行感測器製作,而讀取電路則是由互補式金屬氧化物半導體(complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor,CMOS)技術完成,將兩者整合則為CMOS-MEMS技術,用於將感測器和讀取電路同時製作於同一晶片上;第三部份則是說明電容式、電阻式感測晶片的設計與製作流程;最後則是一電容式感測系統的實踐與研究成果。
The design and research of integration both capacitive/resistive sensors and readout circuit on a CMOS chip is described and organized as follows: First part is the introduction of capacitive/resistive sensors; Integration of sensors and readout circuits realizied by MEMS and CMOS technique is described in the second part; The third part describes the design flow of capacitive/resistive sensing chip; And the last part is the experimental results of a capacitive sensing chip. |