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When a Nano-Probe Engineer Meet a New Type of AFM-a Novel Analysis Technology for Surface Property
作者 張弘昌 (Hung-Chang Chang)
近年來新型原子力顯微鏡的普及,讓材料表面物理特性研究更加容易,可同時得到高解析的形貌、變形量、軟硬度、黏性等資訊。本團隊除了使用既有的AFM功能之外,利用修飾技術製作特殊AFM探針,除了可判斷表面微區的親疏水性、也可以鑑定生物分子間作用力,並以汙染物探針鑑定抗汙效能。並量測不同超軟物質的楊氏模數,對於開發生醫材料領域有實質的幫助。本團隊也開發不沾黏的AFM探針,改善黏性高分子影像掃描的問題。所開發出的新技術期望在未來可以協助並縮短新材料開發時間,落實應用到先進的工業技術領域。 The new type of atomic force microscopy is becoming more prevalent. The powerful functions make it easier to study physical properties of surfaces. Some information such as elastic modulus, deformation, and adhesion can be obtained at the same time without compromising highest resolution. In this study, mechanic property measurement of soft matter is conducive to biomaterials development. By modifying AFM tips with functional groups, the recognition of specifi c surface properties is achieved, that is molecular recognition force microscopy. Our laboratory had developed several functional tips which can distinguish hydrophilic or hydrophobic surfaces, antifouling effi cacy and so on. In this study we provide a method for determining the antifouling ability of a material surface, which is based on AFM with pollutant-coated AFM probes. We also improve the anti-stick property of AFM probe and extend probe’s life time, which solves the stickiness problems when scanning polymer samples. We expect this technology can signifi cantly shorten the time of developing new materials for the manufacture and speed the implementation of the novel technology in industry.
起訖頁 89-96
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201706 (211期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 採用噴墨印刷與壓合技術製作多層濾波器於液晶聚合物基板之研究




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