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Vacuum Process in Transparent Conductive Oxide Development–Composite Dielectric & Metal Stacking Layers for Transparent Conductive Electrode Application
作者 李宜雯
透明導電電極製成透明導電玻璃在許多光電元件應用發展方面受到多方關注,譬如顯示器觸控螢幕、智慧型窗戶、發光二極體以及太陽能電池等,都可以看到目前TCO可以透過多種不同技術來製作,而以真空技術製作的品質為最佳,習知的銦錫氧化物(ITO)就是用這方法獲得性能最好。為了降低製作成本、改善材料特性與多樣性以因應不同使用目的,許多極具發展潛力的替代技術相繼被提出,像是異質摻雜的金屬氧化物(例如ZnO:Al、SnO2:F)、奈米碳管/石墨烯薄片、金屬網格、銀奈米線及複合介電層/金屬層堆疊等。在本篇文章中,作者將針對複合介電層/金屬層堆疊技術與發展現況、基本設計原理、技術優缺點與挑戰來作介紹。以物理氣相沉積法成長介電層/金屬/介電層(DMD)結構,除了可在低溫成長、可在軟性可撓式基板上的製作出低電阻、高透明度導電電極,對未來朝向大面積、可穿戴式元件發展極具潛力。 Transparent conductive electrodes(TCE) get a lot of attentions in many optoelectronic devices, such as touch screen of display, smart windows, light emitting diode, and solar cells. The TCE could be achieved by many approaches and the best quality of TCE like ITO is obtained by vacuum technology. In order to reduce the production cost and improve its properties to fulfill different application requirement, lots of new technologies were proposed, such as the doped metal oxide, carbon nanotube/graphene, metal grid, Ag nanowire and composite dielectric/metal stacking layers structure and so on. In this work, the authors will focus on the status, structure design, advantages, and challenges of the composite stacking layers technology. Through the physical vapor deposition process, the transparent and low-resistance dielectric/metal/dielectric(DMD) stacking layers on flexible substrate can be processed at a lower temperature. The DMD stacking technology is promising for large area and wearable electronic devices application.
起訖頁 58-67
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201703 (210期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 應用於原子層沉積之臨場量測技術
該期刊-下一篇 連續生產型超高頻電漿增強式鍍膜設備設計及其性能探討




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